PMB relates to the process for the preparation of a polymer and rubber based modified binder which is useful for the construction of roads catering to heavy traffic and also for the formation of airfields and surfacing, it is also used as interlayer for sealing of cracks, preventive maintenance of flexible pavement and delaying reflective cracking. Modified Bitumen performs better than ordinary Bitumen in high rain fall area.

CRMB is the best and most suitable for Indian roads for all weathers, Highways, Traffic denser roads, Junctions, Airfield Runways, Heavy duty and high traffic Sea Port roads etc. It is highly durable and dependable economical solution for ravelling undulations, rutting bleeding, showing and potholes problems.
Bitumen, water and emulsifier are the main component for the manufacturing of this product. Cold applied emulsion recommended by Indian Roads Congress and approved by Ministry of Surface Transport for various road works such as Premix Carpeting, Surface Dressing, Seal Coats and Pot Hole Repairs etc. We are Bitumen Emulsion Manufacturer at Junobitumix Pvt. Ltd.



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