Cutback is a free flowing liquid at normal temperatures and is obtained by fluxing bitumen with suitable solvents. The viscosity of bitumen is reduced substantially by adding kerosene or any other solvent. Cutback has been used in tack coat applications Bitumen and its allied products have been used in the construction of roads and their maintenance since many years. One such modification to bitumen is the cutback bitumen. In the manufacture of cutback bitumen, bitumen is fluxed with petroleum distillates. The coating of a bitumen primer is the first application done. This is a low viscosity material and is applied on an absorbent surface prior to any other treatment on the surface. The basic reason behind use of this primer is to provide for an adhesive material between the surface and the new superimposed construction on it. Selection of a bituminous primer would depend on the porous nature of the surface..

Various types of cutback primers are available in the MARKET. They are classified into slow curing (SC), medium curing (MC) and rapid curing (RC) depending on their viscosity. In making cutback bitumen, bitumen is actually cutback. A petroleum distillate like kerosene is added in order to do this. This reduces the viscosity of bitumen and helps it penetrate the pavement easily. This also helps, as spraying at cold temperatures is comfortable which makes the bitumen layer set neatly.

Bitumen is cutback using material that evaporates after its application and leaves the material same as before.

Cut Back are available in Three grades

  • 1 RC -70/250/800/3000
  • 2 MC-30/70/250/800/3000
  • 3 SC-70/250/800/3000



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